Consolidated Act Concerning the Election of the Danish Members of the European Parliament*

Translation (Consolidated Act No. 5 of 8 January 2024)

Part 1

Electoral territory 

1.-(1) The Minister for the Interior and Health announces the number of Danish members to be elected to the European Parliament, based on the rules of the European Union in this regard.

2.-(1) Denmark constitutes a single electoral region in which all Danish members are to be elected according to the principle of proportionality.

(2) The voting and counting of votes take place in the same polling districts and nomination districts as for the elections to the Folketing.

(3) No elections to the European Parliament are to be held in the Faroe Islands or in Greenland.

Part 2

Franchise and eligibility

3.-(1) Franchise for the European Parliament is held by every person who on the day of the election

(i) is entitled to vote as an elector at Folketing (parliamentary) elections,

(ii) is a Danish citizen, of voting age in Folketing elections, and is permanently resident in one of the other member states of the European Union,

(iii) is a national of another member state of the European Union, is of voting age in Folketing elections and is permanently resident in Denmark or registered with the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but see subsections (3) and (4), or

(iv) is, without being subject to (i), a Danish citizen, of voting age in Folketing elections and permanently resident in Denmark.

(2) Permanent residents of the Faroe Islands or Greenland are not entitled to vote in elections to the European Parliament, but see section 3a.

(3) Notwithstanding subsection 1(iii), the following persons are not entitled to vote:

(i) a foreign national expelled by final judgment under sections 22-24 or section 25c of the Danish Aliens Act (udlændingeloven), and

(ii) a foreign national expelled by final administrative decision under sections 25-25b of the Danish Aliens Act.

(4) Subsection (3) shall apply from the time of registration with the Danish Immigration Service or the police of the relevant judgment or administrative decision until the foreign national is granted a residence permit or certificate or is exempt from the residence permit requirement under the Aliens Act or rules and regulations issued by virtue of such Act.

3a.-(1) Persons who are Danish citizens and are employed by the Danish Government and detailed for duty on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland shall be deemed to have their permanent address in Denmark.

(2) The following persons who are Danish citizens and who reside temporarily on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland shall also be deemed to have their permanent address in Denmark:

(i) Any person detailed for duty on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland as an employee of a Danish public authority or a local private undertaking or association;

(ii) Any person who resides on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland as an employee of an international organisation of which Denmark is a member;

(iii) Any person detailed for duty on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland by a Danish aid organisation;

(iv) Any person who resides on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland for training or educational purposes;

(v) Any person who resides on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland on health grounds;

(vi) Any person who resides on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland and who is comparable to the persons mentioned in (i)-(v) in terms of the affiliation to Denmark

(3) Persons who are Danish citizens and who reside on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland shall also be deemed to have their permanent address in Denmark if they intend to return to Denmark within a period of two years from their departure.

(4) Any person who lives together with a person covered by (1), (2) or (3) at the same address shall be deemed to have his or her permanent address in Denmark if the two cohabitants

(i) have married or entered into a registered partnership with each other, or

(ii) fulfil the conditions of marrying or entering into a registered partnership with each other and had set up joint residence before departure.

3b.-(1) Persons who are Danish citizens and are employed by the Danish Government and detailed for duty outside the realm in a country that is not a member of the European Union (third country) shall be deemed to have their permanent address in Denmark.

(2) The following persons who are Danish citizens and who reside temporarily in a third country shall also be deemed to have their permanent address in Denmark:

(i) Any person detailed for duty in a third country as an employee of a Danish public authority or a local private undertaking or association;

(ii) Any person who resides in a third country as an employee of an international organisation of which Denmark is a member;

(iii) Any person detailed for duty in a third country by a Danish aid organisation;

(iv) Any person who resides in a third country for training or educational purposes;

(v) Any person who resides in a third country on health grounds;

(vi) Any person who resides in a third country and who is comparable to the persons mentioned in (i)-(v) in terms of the affiliation to Denmark

(3) Persons who are Danish citizens and who reside in a third country shall also be deemed to have their permanent address in Denmark if they intend to return to Denmark within a period of two years from their departure.

(4) Any person who lives together with a person covered by (1), (2) or (3) at the same address shall be deemed to have his or her permanent address in Denmark if the two cohabitants

(i) have married or entered into a registered partnership with each other, or

(ii) fulfil the conditions of marrying or entering into a registered partnership with each other and had set up joint residence before departure.

4.-(1) No one shall exercise the right to vote except if included in the electoral register.

5.-(1) No voter may vote both in Denmark and in one of the other member states of the European Union at the same election of members to the European Parliament.

(2) No person may stand as a candidate in the same election both in Denmark and in one of the other member states of the European Union. The election of a candidate having acted in contravention hereof is void, but see section 37(3).

6.-(1) Any person who is entitled to vote under section 3, see sections 3a and 3b, and who fulfils the franchise conditions at least seven weeks before election day, except for the condition as to age, but see subsections (2) and (3), is eligible for the European Parliament.

(2) Any person who has been punished for an act which by general standards makes that person unworthy of being a member of the European Parliament is not eligible, see section 37(3).

(3) Any person who is entitled to vote under section 3(1)(iii) but who, through an individual judicial decision or an administrative decision provided that the latter can be subject to judicial remedies, has been deprived of his eligibility for the European Parliament in the member state of which he is a national, is not eligible, see section 37(3).

(4) Any person may however always stand for an election despite any disqualifying claim pursuant to subsections (2) or (3).

7.-(1) No person may stand as a candidate without his or her consent.

8.-(1) The members are elected for five years. Their terms of office start and expire at times following the rules of the European Community for ordinary MEP direct elections.

9.-(1) The Minister for the Interior and Health appoints the date on which the election is to be held based on the rules of the European Community in this respect.
(2) The Minister for the Interior and Health announces the date on which the election is to be held in the Official Gazette.

Part 3

Parties entitled to participate in elections of Danish members to the European Parliament

10.-(1) Parties which in a parliamentary election held at least nine weeks prior to election day have obtained membership of the Folketing, and which nine weeks prior to election day continue to be represented therein and parties which at the most recently held elections of Danish members to the European Parliament have obtained membership of the European Parliament and which nine weeks prior to election day continue to be represented therein are entitled to participate in elections to the European Parliament.

(2) The right of participation in European Parliament elections also extends to new parties for which an application for registration has been filed with the Minister for the Interior and Health under the rules of sections 11 to 11b.

10a.-(1) In order to change the name of a party which is entitled to participate in elections to the European Parliament, see section 10 of this Act and section 11 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act (lov om valg til Folketinget), prior approval is required from the Election Board, see section 17 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act. An application to this effect must be signed by the chairman of the party's national organisation and submitted to the Election Board. No decision under the first sentence can be made by the Election Board in the period of 11 weeks before the day of an election to the European Parliament until and including election day. Any approval granted by the Election Board under the first sentence will be valid for as long as the party is entitled to participate in elections.

(2) If the name of a party which is entitled to participate in elections to the Danish Parliament as well as to the European Parliament is changed, the name change will apply for both elections. The name can only be changed if the name change can apply for both elections.

11.-(1) New parties aiming to participate in European Parliament elections must apply for registration with the Minister for the Interior and Health by noon 11 weeks prior to election day. The application must be accompanied by declarations from a number of voters corresponding to at least 2 per cent of all valid votes cast in the latest general election. The declarations required to accompany the application must be registered as voter declarations for that party using the digital system made available to voters by the Minister for the Interior and Health under the first sentence of subsection (6).

(2) Before a new party commences the collection of voter declarations under the second sentence of subsection (1), the name of the party must be approved by the election board set up under section 17 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act. The approval is valid for three years as from the date of the approval. An application for approval of the name of a new party whose name cannot be approved, see section 12, can be filed no earlier than 30 days prior to the expiry of the period in which the name cannot be approved.

(3) A person entitled to vote in European Parliament elections can have no more than one party name approved under the first sentence of subsection (2). When filing an application for approval of a name for a party aiming to participate in European Parliament elections, the application form issued by the Ministry of the Interior and Health must be used. The application must state the name and CPR number of the applicant, the name and CPR number of any representative nominated by the applicant and contact details of the party. The Minister for the Interior and Health shall register the party name approved as soon as possible using the digital system made available to voters by the Minister for the Interior and Health under the first sentence of subsection (6). The Minister for the Interior and Health shall announce the full name of the holder of an approved party name or of a representative nominated by the holder as well as contact details of the party

(4) Upon request, the Election Board can extend the period of approval of a party name by one year as from the expiry of the previous period of approval if there is reason to believe that an application for registration of the party will be filed within such extended period. Extensions can be granted more than once in special cases. A request for extension must be filed on or before the day of the expiry of the previous approval, unless exceptional circumstances prevail. If a request for extension of an approval is filed on or before the day of the expiry of the previous approval, the approval will be maintained until a decision has been made as to whether to grant the request.

(5) If no application has been filed for registration of a party within the stipulated period of approval of the name of the party, including any extended period, see subsections (2) and (4), the person whose application for approval of the party name was granted can only apply for approval of the same party name when one year has elapsed since the day when the period of the previous approval expired. Even when one year has not elapsed since the day when the previous period of approval expired, the person whose application for approval of the party name was granted can file an application for approval of the same party name if others cannot be granted approval of the party name under the rules of section 12, read with section 13(1)(ii) and (v) and (2), of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act (lov om valg til Folketinget).

(6) When submitting voter declarations, voters must use a digital system made available directly to voters by the Minister for the Interior and Health, but see subsection (7). Voters can submit voter declarations only if they have provided proof of their identity using the digital system, but see subsection (7). A voter declaration can be registered using the digital system only if the voter can submit a valid voter declaration under subsections (8) to (10). Voter declarations are valid only if registered in the digital system.

(7) Notwithstanding the second sentence of subsection (6), voters registered in the Civil Registration System (CPR) and exempt from the mandatory requirement to set up a Digital Post account according to rules made in pursuance of section 5(1) of the Act on Digital Post from Public Issuers (lov om Digital Post fra offentlige afsendere) can submit voter declarations to the Minister for the Interior and Health on a paper form approved by the Minister for the Interior and Health. Notwithstanding the second sentence of subsection (6), voters falling within the scope of section 3(1)(ii), section 3a or section 3b of this Act or section 2 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act (lov om valg til Folketinget) and included in the electoral register can submit voter declarations to the Minister for the Interior and Health on a paper form approved by the Minister for the Interior and Health. Notwithstanding the second sentence of subsection (6), any citizen of one of the other Member States of the European Union having reached the voting age for general elections and registered with the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can submit a voter declaration to the Minister for the Interior and Health on a paper form approved by the Minister for the Interior and Health. Any voter declaration submitted under the first, second or third sentence hereof must include the information required on the paper form, including the voter's name and CPR number, and must be dated and signed by the voter. The Minister for the Interior and Health shall then register the voter declaration in the digital system made available by the Minister for the Interior and Health under the first sentence of subsection (6). The third and fourth sentences of subsection (6) also apply.

(8) At the time when a declaration is registered in the digital system, the voter must meet the conditions for entitlement to vote in European Parliament elections.

(9) A voter can submit a valid voter declaration under subsection (6) only if that voter has submitted a statement of support for the party at least seven days prior to the submission of the voter declaration using the digital system and has provided proof of his or her identity when submitting that statement of support. A voter can submit a valid voter declaration under subsection (7) only if that voter has asked the Minister for the Interior and Health for a paper form for submitting a voter declaration under subsection (7) at least seven days prior to the submission of the voter declaration.

(10) A voter declaration is valid for a period of 18 months from the date of its registration in the digital system. However, a voter declaration is valid only for as long as the approval of the party name remains in force, see subsections (2) and (4). Any voter is entitled to withdraw his or her declaration, but only until the time when an application is filed for registration of the party. Subsequently, the voter declaration is no longer valid. If the party has filed an application for registration of the party with the Minister for the Interior and Health and the voter declaration is valid as set out in the first to fourth sentences hereof at the time of application for registration, such voter declaration will remain valid for the duration of the validity of the application for registration of the party, see subsection (11). No voter can submit a declaration for the same or another party for the duration of the validity of his or her voter declaration as set out in the first to fifth sentences hereof. A voter declaration will remain registered in the digital system for the duration of the validity of his or her voter declaration as set out in the first to fifth sentences hereof. A voter declaration which is no longer valid under the first to fifth sentences hereof will be deleted from the digital system, and any paper form used for submitting that voter declaration will be destroyed.

(11) The registration of a party is valid until the next European Parliament election. For the duration of the period of valid registration of a party, the party cannot cancel its registration or file a new application for registration of the party.

(12) Even when the registration of a party is still valid under subsection (11), it is possible for any such party with a valid registration under subsection (1) to have its name approved by the Election Board, see subsection (2), for the purpose of a new collection of voter declarations. Such approval can be extended as set out in the rules of subsection (4). A party can only start a new collection of voter declarations if so approved by the Election Board.

(13) Voter declarations collected for the purpose of filing an application for registration of a new party aiming to participate in European Parliament elections, see subsection (1), cannot be used for any other purposes.

(14) The Minister for the Interior and Health shall announce continuously in the digital system the number of voter declarations submitted for each individual party.

11a.-(1) In case of violation of section 11c or other aggravated or repeated statutory violations committed in connection with a party's collection of voter declarations, the Election Board can decide at the request of the Minister for the Interior and Health to exclude such party from the right to continue its collection of voter declarations and to cancel the party's collection of voter declarations for the purpose of filing an application for registration of the party for general elections and European Parliament elections. A decision made by the Election Board under the first sentence hereof will apply for the remainder of the period(s) that the party name has been approved as the name of a new party participating in general elections and European Parliament elections.

(2) In case of a reasonable suspicion of violation of section 11c or other aggravated or repeated statutory violations committed in connection with a party's collection of voter declarations, the Election Board can decide at the request of the Minister for the Interior and Health to temporarily exclude such party from the right to continue its collection of voter declarations for the purpose of an investigation to be conducted by the Election Board as to whether there is reason to make a decision under the first sentence of subsection (1). A decision made by the Election Board under the first sentence hereof will apply until the Election Board has made a decision under the first sentence of subsection (1), or until the Election Board has decided to discontinue the investigation.

(3) A party shall submit and provide the information and documents, including the voter declarations, requested by the Election Board for the purpose of a decision under the first sentence of subsection (1) or the first sentence of subsection (2). If a party disregards its duties under the first sentence hereof, the Election Board can decide to temporarily exclude such party from the right to continue its collection of voter declarations until the party has fulfilled its obligation under the first sentence hereof.

(4) If a party has filed an application for registration of the party, the Minister for the Interior and Health can suspend the processing of the application for registration of the party in the cases specified in the first sentence of subsection (1) or the first sentence of subsection (2) until the Election Board has made a decision under the first sentence of subsection (1), or until the Election Board has decided to discontinue the investigation.

(5) The person registered as the holder of the party name at the time when the Election Board makes a decision under the first sentence of subsection (1) or at the time when the Minister for the Interior and Health makes a request to the Election Board under the first sentence of subsection (1) or the first sentence of subsection (2) can only apply for approval of the same party name when one year has elapsed since the expiry of the period specified in the second sentence of subsection (1).

(6) The Minister for the Interior and Health shall notify Parliament of his or her request for a decision under the first sentence of subsection (1) or the first sentence of subsection (2) and of his or her decision under subsection (4) within one week of the request or decision, respectively. The Minister for the Interior and Health shall notify Parliament of any decision made by the Election Board under the first sentence of subsection (1), the first sentence of subsection (2) or the second sentence of subsection (3) within one week of the decision.

11b.-(1) The Minister for the Interior and Health can lay down rules on:-

(i) The design of the digital system made available by the Minister for the Interior and Health under the first sentence of section 11(6);

(ii) proof of the identity of each voter submitting a statement of support and a voter declaration;

(iii) verification that the conditions of section 11(8) to (10) on the submission of valid voter declarations have been met, including the retrieval of data from the Civil Registration System (CPR) and the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the purpose of such verification process;

(iv) the design, handling, processing, verification, storage, withdrawal, deletion and destruction of statements of support and voter declarations submitted using the digital system under section 11(6) and submitted on a paper form under the first, second or third sentence of section 11(7);

(v) the announcement of information on a party's collection of voter declarations other than the information specified in section 11(14);

(vi) any temporary suspension of the digital system made available by the Minister for the Interior and Health under the first sentence of section 11(6) or of the procedure for the submission of voter declarations on a paper form under the first, second or third sentence of section 11(7) if such suspension is justified by decisive considerations as well as the suspension procedure; and

(vii) the introduction of a temporary procedure for the collection of voter declarations in the cases specified in paragraph (vi) hereof as well as the details of such procedure.

11c.-(1) No one shall provide, promise or offer an asset advantage in order to induce others to do any of the following:

(i) To issue a statement of support or a voter declaration.

(ii) To not issue a statement of support or a voter declaration.

(iii) To withdraw a statement of support or a voter declaration.

(iv) To not withdraw a statement of support or a voter declaration.

12.-(1) A party cannot obtain approval of a name pursuant to sections 10a and 11 which is non-approvable under the rules of section 13(1) and (2) of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act. The approval pursuant to sections 10a and 11 can be revoked under the rules of section 13(3), first sentence, and subsection (4) of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act. If the party's approval is revoked under the second sentence, the party will forfeit its right to participate in elections to the European Parliament if the party has filed an application for registration with the Minister for the Interior and Health pursuant to sections 11-11b.

13.-(1) The Minister for the Interior and Health assigns to the parties entitled to participate in European elections, see section 10, a letter designation which is to be used for listing the parties in ballot papers. In this assignment due consideration should be given to preserving the same letter designations of the parties as applied in previous elections if at all possible.

(2) The assigned letters are to be published in the Official Gazette in connection with the announcement of approved lists of candidates, see section 24(1).

Part 4

Electoral registers and poll cards

14.-(1) In years when elections of Danish MEPs are to be held, the local council prepares electoral registers of voters in the municipality. The local council may decide that an electronic electoral list shall be used for one or more or all polling districts.

(2) The same rule as for electoral registers laid down in the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act applies to preparation of the electoral register and to entry on this register of any person holding a franchise under section 3(1)(i) or (iv). For admission to the electoral register of voters subject to section 3a or 3b, however, section 14b is applicable. If the voter moves from or to the Faroe Islands or Greenland, the rules applicable in case of migration to or from Denmark apply, except in the cases subject to the second sentence hereof.

(3) Persons holding a franchise under section 3(1)(ii) and who are not entered in the electoral register pursuant to subsection (2) are entered on a special electoral register in the municipality of the City of Copenhagen upon request. The Minister for the Interior and Health may lay down rules for entry in the register and for preparation of the register.

(4) Any person entered in the electoral register pursuant to subsections (2) or (3) is deleted from the electoral register if the Minister for the Interior and Health receives information that the relevant person is included in the electoral register to vote in elections to the European Parliament in another member state of the European Union.

(5) The Minister for the Interior and Health may lay down more specific rules governing the preparation of the electoral registers pursuant to the first sentence of subsection (2) and their layout.

(6) The Minister for the Interior and Health lays down the rules for deletion from the electoral register in accordance with subsection (4).

14a.-(1) Persons holding a franchise under section 3(1)(iii), but see section 3(3) and (4), are entered upon request, but see subsection (2), on the electoral register in the municipality in which they are registered with permanent residence in the Civil Registration System (CPR). Persons holding a franchise under section 3(1)(iii) without being registered with permanent residence in the Civil Registration System (CPR) are entered upon request on the electoral register in the municipality in which they legally reside. Persons holding a franchise under section 3(1)(iii) who are registered with the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are entered upon request, but see subsection (2), on the electoral register in the municipality in which they have their private address.

(2) Persons holding a franchise under section 3(1)(iii), but see section 3(3) and (4), are entered in the electoral register subject to similar rules as apply to persons holding a franchise under section 3(1)(i) and who are included in the national register if the relevant persons-

(i) were entered on the electoral register in Denmark at the most recently held election to the European Parliament,

(ii) have since then been permanently resident in Denmark without interruption or since without interruption have been registered with the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and

(iii) have not requested to be deleted from the electoral register.

(3) Information is passed to the appropriate authority in the home member states of the relevant persons as to which persons are entered on the electoral register in pursuance of subsections (1) and (2) and as to which persons comprised by section 3(3) and (4) are deleted from the electoral register.

(4) The Minister for the Interior and Health lays down detailed rules for entry of persons holding a franchise under section 3(1)(iii), but see section 3(3) and (4), on the register and for giving information in pursuance of subsection (3). The Minister for the Interior and Health furthermore lays down rules on the notification of taking up residence in another municipality and moving abroad for persons who hold a franchise according to section 3(1)(iii) and are registered with the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(5) Notices under subsection (3) may be given on the basis of information in the Civil Registration System (CPR) and on the basis of information obtained from the Danish Immigration Service and the police.

14b.-(1) Voters who are subject to section 3a or 3b and who are registered in the Civil Registration System (CPR) as having left Denmark or residing in Greenland shall, on request, be admitted to a special electoral register in the City of Copenhagen if a decision to this effect is made not later than on the seventh day prior to election day.

(2) Voters who have resided on the Faroe Islands, in Greenland, or in a third country for more than four years may be admitted to the electoral register only if, in each individual case, the Election Board considers that the conditions in section 3a or 3b are satisfied. In case of doubt as to whether a voter is subject to section 3a or 3b, the voter may be admitted to the electoral register only if, in each individual case, the Election Board considers that the conditions in section 3a or 3b are satisfied.

(3) A decision to admit a voter subject to section 3a(1) or (2) or section 3a(4), but see subsection (1) or (2), to the electoral register is applicable for a period of two years from the date of the decision. If the voter submits a request for re-admission to the electoral register before expiry of the period set out in the first sentence hereof, the period shall be extended until a decision is made. A decision to admit a voter subject to section 3a(3) to the electoral register is applicable for a period of two years from the date of departure. A decision to admit a voter subject to section 3a(4), see subsection (3), to the electoral register is applicable for a period of two years from the date of the departure of the person subject to section 3a(3) to whom the voter has the relation described in section 3a(4).

(4) A decision to admit a voter subject to section 3b(1) or (2) or section 3b(4), see subsection (1) or (2), to the electoral register is applicable for a period of two years from the date of the decision. If the voter submits a request for re-admission to the electoral register before expiry of the period set out in the first sentence hereof, the period shall be extended until a decision is made. A decision to admit a voter subject to section 3b(3) to the electoral register is applicable for a period of two years from the date of departure. A decision to admit a voter subject to section 3b(4), see subsection (3), to the electoral register is applicable for a period of two years from the date of the departure of the person subject to section 3b(3) to whom the voter has the relation described in section 3b(4).

(5) The Minister for the Interior and Health shall lay down rules governing admission to and preparation of the list.

15.-(1) Prior to the poll, the local council sends out poll cards to voters included in the electoral register and listed in the national register or registered with the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Moreover, the local council sends out poll cards to voters included in the electoral register without being registered with permanent residence in the Civil Registration System (CPR), see the second sentence of section 14a(1). The local council shall nonetheless only issue poll cards upon request to voters who have no permanent place of residence, but who in accordance with the rules of the National Civil Registration Act are registered in the municipality as having vacated their former place of residence. The poll card must contain information about the name and address of the voter, his or her number in the electoral register and about the address of the polling station as well as the day and time of voting.

(2) The Minister for the Interior and Health announces that poll cards will be sent out and publishes the day and time of voting in accordance with the rules of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act.

15a.-(1) The local council must immediately consider any objections submitted concerning poll cards that have not been received or poll cards with erroneous content and, in such case, rectify the errors by preparing new poll cards and correcting the electoral register. Such corrections may be made until and including election day.

(2) Further, the local council must until and including election day correct the electoral register if the municipality is notified that the person in question has moved abroad, died, acquired or lost their Danish citizenship or lost their citizenship in any of the other member states of the European Union.

Part 5

Election committees, polling supervisors and appointed electors

16.-(1) Election committees, polling supervisors and appointed electors are elected in pursuance of the rules in Part 5 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act (lov om valg til Folketinget) prior to the election. The election committee is to be elected not later than four weeks prior to election day.

(2) No person standing as a candidate for the election is eligible as a member or substitute of an election committee.

17.-(1) The election committee procures poll cards and notices showing the lists of candidates standing for election and any registered coalitions. The election committee is furthermore in charge of counting the votes in the nomination district to the extent specified in section 28(2) or (3).

(2) The rules of Part 5 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act (lov om valg til Folketinget) apply, with the necessary modifications set out in subsection (1), to European Parliament elections.

(3) The Minister for the Interior and Health may lay down rules governing the content and layout of the election records and the polling register.

Part 6

Lists of candidates

18.-(1) The parties entitled to participate in elections to the European Parliament, see section 10, may nominate candidates for the election.

(2) The candidates nominated for election are entered in lists of candidates.

19.-(1) Lists of candidates must be submitted to the Minister for the Interior and Health by noon seven weeks prior to election day. A list of candidates cannot be submitted until six weeks prior to election day at the earliest. Lists of candidates are to be submitted using a form approved by the Minister for the Interior and Health.

(2) Each party is allowed only one list of candidates, and each list of candidates may include a maximum of 20 named candidates.

(3) The list of candidates must be signed or acceded by the respective candidates and must state their full name, CPR number, nationality, occupation and residential address. For candidates who are eligible for election and who hold a franchise under section 3(1)(iii) without being registered with permanent residence in the Civil Registration System (CPR), date of birth must be stated instead of CPR number, and the candidate list must be accompanied by information on whether the candidate is registered in the electoral register or has submitted a request to that effect, see the second sentence of section 14a(1). Instead of the CPR number, the date of birth must be stated for eligible candidates who hold a franchise according to section 3(1)(iii) and are registered with the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If a candidate does not wish to appear on the ballot paper with his full name, it must be indicated how the name is desired to appear. The surname or middle name and at least one first name must always be stated. Only middle names and surnames which the candidate is entitled to bear under the Names Act, or middle names that have been registered in the Civil Registration System (CPR) may appear on the ballot paper. A chosen name derived from the first name is allowed to be stated instead of the first name.

(4) The candidates are to be entered on the list of candidates in the order of appearance in which they wish to be stated on the ballot paper. The list of candidates is to contain information on whether the candidates are listed in a particular order (party list), see section 35, or whether they are listed in parallel, see section 34.

19a.-(1) If a national of another member state of the European Union appears in a list of candidates without also holding a Danish citizenship, a formal declaration using a form approved by the Minister for the Interior and Health must be handed in together with the list of candidates, in which the candidate is to state

(i) his or her nationality, date of birth, place of birth, latest address in the home member state and his or her residential address in Denmark;

(ii) that he or she does not stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in any other member states of the European Union;

(iii) in which electoral district or municipality the relevant person was most recently entered on the electoral register for elections to the European Parliament in his or her home member state and

(iv) that he or she has not been deprived of his or her eligibility in his og her home member state through an individual judicial decision or an administrative decision provided the latter can be subject to judicial remedies.

20.-(1) No person can stand as a candidate for more than one list of candidates. A candidate having signed or acceded to several lists of candidates is to be considered a candidate of none of the lists of candidates.

(2) A candidate cannot withdraw his or her candidature after the list of candidates has been handed in to the Minister for the Interior and Health.

(3) A list of candidates already submitted may be recalled from the Minister for the Interior and Health not later than noon seven weeks prior to election day.

21.-(1) At the time of handing in the list of candidates, parties may register in respect of one another that the lists of candidates handed in are to form a coalition for election purposes. A form approved by the Minister for the Interior and Health must be used for such registration.

22.-(1) Parties entitled and wishing to participate in elections of Danish members to the European Parliament must no later than at handing in the list of candidates inform the Minister for the Interior and Health of the authority within the party that holds the requisite competence to exercise the party’s powers in connection with handing in and recalling lists of candidates and registrations of coalitions for election purposes. The specified authority is considered competent to the Minister for the Interior and Health until further notice is issued by the party.

23.-(1) The Minister for the Interior and Health checks whether the lists of candidates handed in on time fulfil the conditions stated in sections 19 and 19a. The Minister for the Interior and Health furthermore checks whether the candidates qualify for approval or whether a candidate is to be deleted from the lists of candidates, see section 23a.

(2) Where a list of candidates does not meet the said conditions, or whether one or more of the candidates must be deleted from the list of candidates, the Minister for the Interior and Health is to notify the authority of the relevant party as stated in section 22 accordingly. Within 24 hours of being notified the party may remedy any shortcomings or hand in a fresh list of candidates. The Minister for the Interior and Health then decides whether the list of candidates is valid and which candidates qualify for approval, but see subsection (3).

(3) If a list of candidates that has been handed in on time carries the name of a candidate who is a national of another member states of the European Union, the Minister for the Interior and Health sends the declaration specified in section 19a(1) to the competent administrative authority of the home member state in order to obtain information held in the home member state regarding the eligibility of the candidate concerned.

(4) If the Minister for the Interior and Health receives information from the competent administrative authority in the home member state that invalidates a declaration of eligibility made by a candidate who is a national of another member state of the European Union and who appears on a list of candidates to stand in elections to the European Parliament in Denmark, see subsection (3), see section 19a(1)(iv), the information cannot however render the list of candidates void or cause the candidate concerned to be deleted from the list of candidates, see section 6(4).

(5) The decisions of the Minister for the Interior and Health pursuant to subsection (2) are notified to the authority of the relevant party specified in section 22.

(6) Where in a list of candidates a candidate is a national of one of the other member states of the European Union without also holding a Danish citizenship, the Minister for the Interior and Health is to notify the relevant person whether his or her candidature is approved or not. Furthermore, the Minister for the Interior and Health is to inform the candidate’s home member state if he is approved to stand as a candidate in elections in Denmark.

23a.-(1) Any candidate that does not fulfil the conditions of eligibility as specified in section 6(1) is to be deleted from the list of candidates.

(2) Any candidate having signed or acceded to several lists of candidates, see section 20(1), is to be deleted from the list of candidates.

24.-(1) The Minister for the Interior and Health publishes the lists of candidates approved, their assigned letter designations and the lists of candidates having formed a coalition for election purposes in the Official Gazette.

(2) The lists of candidates, including information on the individual candidates and the layout of the lists of candidates, see section 19, and their announcement of election coalitions, see section 21, may not be made publicly available until the notice has been published in the Official Gazette, see subsection (1).

(3) The Minister for the Interior and Health advises the election committees of the approved lists of candidates, their assigned letter designations, any coalition registered for election purposes and how and in which order the names of the candidates are to appear on the ballot papers.

(4) The Minister for the Interior and Health decides the detailed rules of the procurement, content and design of the ballot papers.

Part 7

Voting on election day

25.-(1) Voting on election day and preparations for the voting process shall take place in accordance with the rules in section 44 and Part 7 in the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act, subject to the deviations resulting from candidates not being allowed to stand on a non- party basis, but see subsections (2)-(4).

(2) On application a voter may cast his vote on election day at a different polling station in his residential municipality from the one to which the voter is affiliated according to the electoral register, see section 14, if a voter’s disability or poor health justifies the change in polling station. Section 47a(2)-(4) of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act shall apply accordingly, with changes as required by the nature of the election. An application may not be submitted, however, until four weeks prior to election day.

(3) The Minister for the Interior and Health may lay down rules of no voting by personal appearance at the polling station on election day for voters holding a franchise under section 3(1)(ii).

(4) A candidate may not render personal assistance in voting as polling supervisor or appointed elector.

(5) The Minister for the Interior and Health may lay down more detailed rules governing a change of polling station on request from voters with a disability or impaired mobility.

(6) The Minister for the Interior and Health may lay down rules on aids to be provided during the voting process.

Part 8

Advance voting

26.-(1) In elections to the European Parliament advance voting is allowed under the rules in Part 8 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act, but see subsections (2)-(6).

(2) In Denmark advance voting can take place at the designated place or places in the municipalities where any voter can vote in advance within the last six weeks prior to election day, however not later than on the third-to-last working day, including Saturdays, prior to election day. Advance voting at the places mentioned in sections 54 and 58(4) of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act can take place within the last three weeks prior to election day until and including the third-to-last working day, including Saturdays, prior to election day. In the Faroe Islands, in Greenland, in foreign countries, in Danish ships in foreign trade and in Danish off-shore installations outside Danish territory advance voting can take place within the last three months prior to election day.

(3) The Minister for the Interior and Health may lay down rules for voters enfranchised in pursuance of section 3(1)(ii) that they may vote in advance only at defined Danish diplomatic or consular representations.

(4) The advance voting material comprises a ballot paper, an envelope, a covering letter and a cover. The Minister for the Interior and Health decides the specific content and design of the advance voting material. The Minister for the Interior and Health procures the advance voting material. The Minister for the Interior and Health can decide that covering letters and the covers provided by the local council may serve as covering letters and covers provided by the Minister for the Interior and Health.

(5) The name or letter designation of a party having nominated candidates for the election must be written on the ballot paper. If the voter wishes to vote for a specific candidate, the voter must state the name of such candidate and, optionally the name or letter designation of the party.

(6) A candidate may not render personal assistance in voting as vote receiver.

(7) Advance voting procedures and reception and control of advance votes are otherwise subject to the rules of Part 8 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act.

(8) The Minister for the Interior and Health may lay down more detailed rules on the organisation and carrying out of advance voting and on the advance voting procedure. The Minister for the Interior and Health may lay down rules governing aids to be provided during the voting process. The Minister for the Interior and Health may lay down rules governing the contents and layout of the advance voter logbook.

Part 9

Reception and control of advance votes

27.-(1) When the voting is over the polling supervisors are to make sure that the non- distributed ballot papers and the ballot papers returned in substitution are counted and bound in separate packages.

(2) Unless counting of the votes takes place on the same day as the voting, see section 28, the polling supervisors must furthermore make sure that the ballots put into the ballot boxes are removed for instant packaging. The ballots so removed must neither be sorted nor counted. The packages are to be sealed and kept and duly safeguarded by the local council until the counting of votes begins. The local council can decide that the ballots cast be kept in the ballot boxes being used until the counting of votes begins.

28.-(1) The Minister for the Interior and Health states when the votes are to be counted. Vote counting is public. The count establishes how many votes were cast in the poll for each list of candidates and how many of these were cast for each individual candidate.

(2) If the votes are counted on polling day, the count takes place at the respective polling stations, the result of the poll is reported, the final tabulation of the result of the poll in the nomination district takes place (the recount), the election records are signed and the voting material is packaged pursuant to the rules of Part 9 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act with the derogations following from sections 29 and 30.

(3) If the count does not take place on polling day, the election committee is in charge of the vote count for the nomination district as one. The electoral committee decides where the count is to take place. The local council makes sure that the electoral registers and polling cards as well as the ballot papers and the advance voting material are at hand at the votes are counted.

(4) No candidate standing for a list of candidates is allowed to participate in counting the number of votes cast for the list of candidates concerned. No candidate standing for a list of candidates is allowed to participate in the tabulation of votes cast for the list of candidates concerned reflecting the distribution between personal votes for each individual candidate and list coalition votes, see section 30(1).

(5) The Minister for the Interior and Health lays down the detailed rules for implementation of the vote counting procedure.

29.-(1) A ballot paper cast at the polling station is invalid if-

(i) it is blank;

(ii) the voter’s vote on the ballot paper has not been marked with a cross, see the second sentence of section 48(1) of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act, or other such marking;

(iii) it cannot be definitely decided which of the list of candidates the voter intended to vote for;

(iv) the ballot paper must be assumed not to have been handed out at the polling station; or

(v) the ballot paper has been given a special mark of identification.

(2) An advance ballot paper is invalid if-

(i) it is blank;

(ii) it cannot be definitely decided which of the candidates or which list of candidates the voter intended to vote for;

(iii) an envelope contains something else or more than one ballot paper;

(iv) the ballot paper is assumed not to have been procured by the Minister for the Interior and Health; or

(v) the ballot paper has been given a special mark of identification.

(3) Following presentation to the Parliamentary Election Scrutiny Committee, the Minister for the Interior and Health may lay down detailed rules for assessment of ballot papers, including advance ballot papers.

30.-(1) Counting of how many votes were cast for each candidate in the list of candidates (personal votes) and how many votes were otherwise cast for the list of candidates (list votes) are subject to the following rules-

(i) If the voter has put a cross against the name of a candidate, or against both the name of a candidate and the name of the party in the list of candidates to which the candidate is affiliated, the vote shall be deemed to have been cast in favour of such candidate (personal vote). Similar rules shall apply if, on the advance ballot paper, the voter has indicated the name of a candidate or both the name of a candidate and the name or letter designation of the list of candidates for which the candidate stands.

(ii) If the voter has put a cross against the name of a party or against the names of several candidates, or has placed a cross across the entire field of the list of candidates or in any other way has cross marked the ballot paper to the effect that there is doubt as to which of the candidates in the list of candidates the voter intended to give his vote, the vote is deemed to have been cast in favour of the list of candidates (list vote). Similar rules apply if, on the advance ballot paper, the voter has indicated the party name or the letter designation of a list of candidates or the names of several candidates appearing on the same list of candidates.

(2) The vote count specified in subsection (1) is established for each polling district and the nomination district as a whole.

(3) The vote count result specified in subsection (1) for the nomination district as a whole is entered in the election records and announced to those present. The vote count result specified in subsection (1) for each polling district forms an attachment to the election records.

(4) The chair of the election committee sends a copy of the election records complete with attachments, together with an unused ballot paper to the Minister for the Interior and Health. The copy must be confirmed by the chair. The copy of the election records is to be received by the Minister for the Interior and Health as far as possible not later than on the day after the recount of the votes. The Minister for the Interior and Health determines the forwarding procedure for the election records complete with attachments and may also lay down to which extent and in which form the election records complete with attachments must be electronically submitted to the Minister for the Interior and Health.

Part 10

Tabulation of the election

31.-(1) After receiving the certified copies of all election records, the Minister for the Interior and Health works out the overall tabulation of the election on this basis.

Allocation of seats to lists of candidates

32.-(1) The votes falling to each list of candidates of all nomination districts taken together are added up list by list. For registered coalitions votes are also added up for such coalition lists of candidates.

(2) The aggregate number of votes cast for each coalition and the number of votes cast for each list of candidates not having entered into a coalition are divided by 1, 2, 3 etc. until such divisional operations equivalent to the maximum number of seats expected to be allocated to the coalition or the list of candidates have been made. The coalition or the list of candidates that receives the highest resulting quotients qualifies for the first seat. The second highest quotient is entitled to the second seat and so on and so forth, until all seats have been allocated. Any equality of two or more quotients is to be settled by drawing lots.

(3) The number of seats allocated to a coalition are be divided among the lists of candidates constituting the coalition according to the procedure specified in subsection (2).

(4) If a list of candidates is allocated more seats than there are candidates in the list of candidates, these excess seats are to fall to the list with which the exhausted list has entered into a coalition. If the exhausted list has not entered into a coalition with other lists, or if these lists are also exhausted, the seats are to be allocated to non-exhausted lists and coalitions in the order of priority of their entitlement to further seats according to the rules in subsections (2) and (3).

Selection of candidates

33.-(1) The personal votes of the candidates and of the number of list votes, see section 30(1) and (2) are added up to establish which of the candidates in a list of candidates have been elected.

(2) The number of personal votes cast for each candidate and the number of list votes cast for each list of candidates are added up for all nomination districts taken together.

34.-(1) If the candidates are standing in parallel, see section 19(4), the seats of the list of candidates are allocated to the candidates by order of their number of personal votes. Any equality of votes is to be settled by drawing lots.

(2) A list of non-elected candidates (list of substitutes) shall be prepared for each list by order of their number of personal votes.

35.-(1) If the candidates are standing in a special order (party list), see section 19(4), the election of candidates is established as follows-

(i) The total number of votes of the list of candidates, see section 32(1)(i), are divided by a figure which is the number of seats allocated to the list of candidates increased by one.The resulting figure is increased, even if an integer, to the nearest integer. This figure is hence the distribution figure of the list of candidates,

(ii) Candidates having obtained a personal vote equivalent to or higher than the distribution figure are elected,

(iii) Candidates having obtained fewer personal votes than the distribution figure are allocated, in order of appearance on the list of candidates and until the list votes are exhausted, such a number of list votes that the total sum of personal votes and list votes constitutes the distribution figure. Candidates obtaining a number of votes equal to the distribution figure calculated in this way are elected,

(iv) where this is insufficient to fill the seats allocated to the list of candidates, the other candidates are elected in the order of the number of votes obtained (personal votes and list votes taken together). If two or more candidates have obtained the same number of votes the candidate(s) heading the party list is/are the one(s) elected.

(2) Candidates elected pursuant to subsection (1)(ii) and (iii) are elected in the order of appearance on the party list.

(3) A list (list of substitutes) of non-elected candidates is prepared for each list by order of their number of personal votes (personal votes and allocated list votes).

36.-(1) The Minister for the Interior and Health subsequently sends to the Folketing-

(i) Copies of the election records,

(ii) Computations of the allocations of seats, see section 32,

(iii) Tabulations that establish which candidates have been elected, see sections 34-35,

(iv) Lists of non-elected candidates, see sections 34(2) and 35(3).

(2) If a national of another member state of the European Union has been standing as a candidate in the election without also holding a Danish citizenship, the Minister for the Interior and Health is to send to the Folketing the formal declaration and any information received from the competent administrative authority in the candidate’s home member state regarding the candidate’s eligibility according to the procedure in section 23(3). If the competent administrative authority in the candidate’s home member state has not provided information regarding the candidate’s eligibility, the Minister for the Interior and Health shall notify the Folketing accordingly.

(3) If the Minister for the Interior and Health receives information that a candidate who was standing in the elections in Denmark has also been standing in the election in one of the other member states of the European Union, the Minister for the Interior and Health is to notify the Folketing accordingly.

Part 11

Parliamentary approval of the election

37.-(1) The Folketing decides finally and conclusively whether to approve the Ministry of the Interior and Health’s computations and tabulations or whether to arrange for new computations and tabulations. The Folketing may furthermore order the Minister for the Interior and Health to obtain voting material, etc. on behalf of the Folketing.

(2) The Folketing may order the election committees to conduct a second review and tabulation of the voting material or parts hereof used in the election.

(3) Any doubts being raised about the validity of the election of a member, see section 5(2), or about the eligibility of a member, see section 6, is to be settled by Folketing decision which shall be final and conclusive.

38.-(1) Any voter may complain of elections to the European Parliament. Complaints are to be addressed to the Folketing and forwarded to the Minister for the Interior and Health. Complaints must be received by the Minister for the Interior and Health not later than on the weekday after election day. In complaints about the election the Folketing’s decision shall be final and conclusive.

39.-(1) In case that the Folketing decides that the poll is invalid or partly invalid, the Folketing decides finally and conclusively on the extent of and procedure for a re-election.

40.-(1) The Folketing notifies the European Parliament of the election results with a view to scrutinising the seats according to the rules of the European Community thereon.

41.-(1) Any doubts being raised during the member’s term of office regarding the validity of his election, see section 5(2) or whether a member has been deprived of his eligibility, see section 6, is to be settled by Folketing decision which shall be final and conclusive.

42.-(1) The office of member of the European Parliament is irreconcilable with the office of

(i) a member of the government,

(ii) a member of the Folketing

(iii) a member of the European Commission,

(iv) a judge, Advocate-General or registrar at the European Court of Justice or the Court of the First Instance

(v) a member of the management board of the European Central Bank,

(vi) a member of the European Court of Auditors,

(vii) the European Ombudsman,

(viii) a member of the Economic and Social Committee under the European Community or the European Atomic Energy Community,

(ix) a member of the European Committee of the Regions,

(x) a member of committees or bodies set up under the treaties establishing the European Community and the European Atomic Energy Community with a view to administering the funds of the Communities or being engaged in the permanent performance of direct administration,

(xi) a member of the boards of directors or management of the European Investment Bank, or an employee of same, or

(xii) a public servant or other employee of the institutions of the European Communities or associated specialised bodies or organisations or in the European Central Bank in active duty.

(2) A member having exited the European Parliament on account of an office under subsection (1) may upon termination of the office have his or her name entered on the list of substitutes in question by order of his or her number of votes.

43.-(1) If a member’s seat in the European Parliament is vacant, the nearest entitled candidate according to the list of substitutes, see sections 34(2) and 35(3) takes his or her seat. The rules of sections 32(4), 37(3) and 40 apply correspondingly.

Part 12

Other provisions

44.-(1) The election records, poll books, electoral registers, poll cards, ballot papers and other voting material which the election committee or the local council has received shall be kept in safe custody or be destroyed as prescribed by the rules of section 104 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act.

45.-(1) Expenses in connection with elections to the European Parliament are defrayed as prescribed in the rules in section 105 of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act.

46.-(1) Unless the offence carries a higher penalty according to other legislation, any person violating the following sections is punishable by a fine or detention for a term of not more than four months

(i) section 11c,

(ii) section 25(1), see section 51, of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act, or

(iii) section 26(1), see section 62, of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act.

(2) Legal entities may be subject to punishment under the rules of Part 5 of the Danish Criminal Code (straffeloven) for violation of section 11c, section 25(1), read with section 51(2) of the Folketing (Parliamentary Elections Act, and section 26(1), read with section 62(2) of the Folketing (Parliamentary) Elections Act.

(3) Punishment by a fine for violation of the provisions of the rules may be laid down in rules issued in pursuance of the law.

(4) Sections 116 and 117 of the Criminal Code equally apply to elections to the European Parliament.

47.-(1) Any person voting or standing as candidate both in the elections in Denmark and in one of the other member states of the European Union is punishable by a fine unless the offence carries a higher penalty pursuant to other legislation.

47a.-(1) If a Danish citizen who is permanently resident in another member state of the European Union in connection with applying for entry on the election register in the election to the European Parliament in the resident country has made a declaration that he or she has not been deprived of his or her entitlement to vote in Denmark, the Minister for the Interior and Health is to confirm or deny such a declaration to the resident country as requested.

(2) If a Danish citizen who is permanently residing in another member state of the European Union in connection with standing as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in the member state of residence has made a declaration that he has not been deprived of his right to stand in elections to the European Parliament in Denmark, the Minister for the Interior and Health, on receiving a notification from the competent administrative authority in the member state of residence, provides information regarding the eligibility of the person concerned to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in Denmark, see subsections (3). Information is submitted to the competent administrative authority in the member state of residence within five business days from the reception of the notification or, where possible, within a shorter time-limit if so requested by the competent administrative authority in the member state of residence.

(3) If the person concerned is a Danish citizen, the Minister for the Interior and Health informs the competent administrative authority in the member state of residence that the Minister for the Interior and Health has no knowledge of the person concerned having been deprived of his eligibility to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in Denmark. If the Folketing has previously decided that the person concerned is not eligible to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament, see section 6(2), the Minister for the Interior and Health notifies the competent administrative authority in the member state of residence accordingly.

48.-(1) The Minister of Justice may lay down rules preventing electioneering from taking place in or fronting public roads or open spaces in disturbance of the peace. The rules may specify punishment by a fine in respect of a violation of the regulatory provisions.

Part 13

Commencement and amendment provisions

49.-(1) This Act shall enter into force on 1 January 1989.

(2) This Act cancels the Danish Representatives to the European Parliament (The Assembly of the European Communities) Elections Act, see Consolidated Act No. 309 of 22 June 1983.

(3) The rules and regulations issued in pursuance of the Danish Representatives to the European Parliament Elections Act, see Consolidation Act. No. 309 of 22 June 1983 as amended by Act No. 159 of 11 April 1984 shall remain in force until repealed or replaced by rules issued in pursuance of this Act.

50.-(1) (Omitted)


Ministry of the Interior and Health, 8 January 2024

By order


/Christine Boeskov

* This Act contains provisions that implement Council Directive 93/109/EC of 6 December 1993 as regards laying down the rules for the exercise of the right to vote and to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament for citizens of the Union residing in a member state in which they are not nationals, OJ 1993 No. L 329, p. 34, and Council Directive 2013/1/EU of 20 December 2012 amending Directive 93/109/EC as regards certain detailed arrangements for the exercise of the right to stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament for citizens of the Union residing in a member state of which they are not nationals, OJ 2013 No. L 26, p. 27.